Sat, 29 March 2025
Africa's news in English
Dar Es Salaam Yellow pages

Mawazo Gallery

Mawazo, meaning “ideas and thoughts” in Kiswahili, is dedicated to promoting and advancing contemporary art and artists in Tanzania. The gallery displays sculptures, paintings, etchings, w...
Upanga area Art Galleries in Upanga area
Dar Es Salaam Yellow pages

International School of Tanganyika

International co-educational school for children aged three to pre-university age. International baccalaureate.
Upanga area Schools in Upanga area
Dar Es Salaam Yellow pages

Village Museum

This open-air museum consists of 16 replica traditional Tanzanian huts. There are traditional performances between 16.00 and 18.00 on weekends and public holidays and artists and craftsmen produce and...
Upanga area Museums in Upanga area


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