Sat, 29 March 2025
Africa's news in English
Addis Ababa What's on

Status of women in Ethiopia and Africa today

8 March To mark international women’s day the Alliance Ethio-Française is organising a series of talks and discussions, as well as music and drama. Alliance Ethio-Francaise, Wavel Street,...
Addis Ababa What's on

Listro and Kure-Yalew

The showing of the brief documentaries Supporting Spaces by Bisrat Kifle and Recycling Spaces by Felix Heisel are followed by an open discussion on the themes of the role of listros (shoe shiners) and...
Addis Ababa What's on

Trans Continental Cooperation in Africa

Our readers what's on: - Call for Applications - International Conference Trans Continental Cooperation in Africa "The Future of the Millennium Development Goals in the African Union" (Addis Aba...
Addis Ababa What's on

Goethe Institut’s Open House

21 April 2012. On occasion of its 50th anniversary, Goethe Institut pays homage to the German culture and language with this Open House. On programme are various events for all ages, such as fairy-tal...


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