Sat, 29 March 2025
Africa's news in English
Cape Town News

‘Jerusalema’ captured the world with their dance

‘Jerusalema’ the most shazamed song in the world South African DJ Master KG is the artist behind the sensational hit ‘Jerusalema’ that has become an international phenomenon.   The Limpopo-born mu...
Cape Town News

Cape Town TV changes broadcasting frequency

Cape Town’s community television channel CTV is switching to the new analogue frequency on 26 March, as part of the move by South Africa's television channels to digital terrestrial transmission...
Cape Town News

Right2Know campaigners demonstrate in Cape Town

Rounding up a week-long campaign Right2Know supporters have called demonstrations in Cape Town to protest against the Protection of Information Bill now before parliament. Right2Know campaigners a...
Cape Town News

New magazine for Cape Town entrepreneurs.

Owners of small businesses in the Cape Town area will soon have a new source of information and inspiration when Caliente Media publishes the first edition of the bimonthly
Cape Town News

World press to meet in Cape Town.

Top media professionals, publishers and academics are to gather in Cape Town for the 60th World Newspaper Congress and the 14th World Editors Forum from 3-6 June. This is the first time the meetings a...


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