This theatrical play for children is adapted and directed by Elton John Duffy, and tells the classical fairy tale by the Italian writer Carlo Collodi of Pinocchio, a little wooden puppet, who undergoe...
4-29 Dec. The Baxter Theatre stages a musical, entitled The Little Mermaid, for children and their families, inspired by the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen and directed by Fred Abrahamse.
4 September-6 October 2012. The Lilliput Children's Theatre Company presents this play for kids, entitled Rumpelstiltskin, directed by Elton John Duffy.
This classical fairy tale, written by the Br...
VIA FILANGERI - ADJACENT MINISTRY OF THE NAVY - We have a very classic and elegant apartment for sale on the 3rd floor of a residential building from the 1940s with concierge serv...