Sat, 29 March 2025
Africa's news in English
Dar Es Salaam What's on

The 1st Annual Dar es Salaam Pedestrian Festival will entertain you!

This years festival will take place on Saturday November 26th at Lumumba Street (adjacent to Mnazi Mmoja) from 10am-5pm and will transform the area into a lively scene where local performers and artis...
Dar Es Salaam What's on

Tuongee Sanaa art talk.

13 June 2009. Painter and political cartoonist Fred Halla and Dr. John Cavallo, director of the Rock Art Conservation Center of Tanzania, share the ups and downs of being a visual artist in Tanzania a...
Dar Es Salaam What's on

Tuongee Sanaa art talk.

16 May 2009. Sculptor George Lugwani and printmaker Gadi Ramadhani share the ups and downs of being a visual artist in Tanzania at the monthly Tuongee Sanaa art talk at the Alliance Fran
Dar Es Salaam What's on

Mini French classes.

28 March 2009. Learn how to meet and greet in French in a 15-minute lesson at the Alliance Fran
Dar Es Salaam What's on

International School Moshi presentation.

21 Nov 2008. Prospective students and their parents can find out about the International School Moshi (ISM) at a presentation in Dar es Salaam. ISM, the first international school in Africa to offer t...
Dar Es Salaam What's on

Fanani Flava Poetry Club.

Fanani Flava Poetry Club meets on the last Tuesday of the month at A Novel Idea bookshop in Shoppers
Dar Es Salaam What's on

Christian Business Person’s Breakfast.

Informal weekly breakfast meeting for Christian ex-pat businesspeople at the Southern Sun Hotel on Thurs. The predominantly male forum provides a good opportunity to vent frustrations and share and re...


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