Sat, 22 February 2025
Africa's news in English
Lagos News

Goodluck Jonathan returned as president

Goodluck Jonathan has been returned as president in Nigeria with over 58 per cent of the popular vote. His victory has led to violence in the north of the country, especially in Kaduna and Kano, which...
Lagos News

Nigerians vote for their president

Nigeria starts voting for its new president on 16 April in the wake of the parliamentary elections held the previous week, which saw an upset for the People
Lagos News

Nigeria’s ruling party faces electoral losses

Early results from Nigeria's parliamentary election on 9 April suggest that the governing People's Democratic Party (PDP) has suffered considerable losses and its majority in both houses of the nation...
Lagos News

New schedule for Nigerian elections

Parliamentary elections in Nigeria have now been postponed for a week and are scheduled on 9 April, which means that the presidential elections and state elections, originally set on 9 April and 16 Ap...
Lagos News

Nigeria’s parliamentary elections delayed

Parliamentary elections in Nigeria have been postponed until Monday 4 April because of the delay in the delivery to many parts of the country of tally sheets for recording both the voting results and...
Lagos News

Fashola intensifies re-election campaign in Lagos

The governor of Lagos Babatunde Fashola of the main opposition party Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) has intensified his campaign to be re-elected in the upcoming governorship election in April....
Lagos News

Nigeria's voter registration extended

Nigeria's Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) extended its voter registration by two days until 7 February 2011 to facilitate those who have yet to enroll in the electoral register for th...
Lagos News

Nigerian schools close for voter registration

All primary and secondary schools in Nigeria are to close for a voter registration exercise by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) between 15 January and 4 February 2011. However fina...
Lagos News

Nigerian elections: Contracts for voter registration decided

Nigeria is to spend $230 million on equipment to renew its electoral rolls. Elections were originally set for the end of January 2011 but because of the need to renew the voters
Lagos News

Lagos doctors’ strike continues

Doctors in federal run hospitals in Lagos joined their state colleagues in a three-day sympathy strike in the first week of November, bringing most of Lagos publicly run hospitals to a halt. The L...
Lagos News

Nigeria celebrates 50 years of independence

Nigeria celebrates the golden jubilee of its independence on 1 October with a series of events that include art exhibitions, plays, sporting activities and religious services. On 30 September, the eve...
Lagos News

New Voter Register for 2011 Nigerian elections

Nigeria's Independent Electoral Commission has announced that, subject to government funding, a new voters' register could be established in time for the next general elections in January 2011. Ce...
Lagos News

Goodluck Jonathan sworn in as Nigeria’s president

Goodluck Jonathan was sworn in as Nigeria
Lagos News

Nigeria’s president Umaru Yar’Ardua dies

Nigeria has announced seven days of mourning after the death of its president Umaru Yar


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