Thu, 13 March 2025
Africa's news in English
Maputo What's on

The Best Of dElvira Viegas.

31 March 2006. The renowned Mozambican singer, songwriter and social activist Elvira Viegas presents her fourth CD, Venho de longe. Winner of the annual Dcouvertes RFI prize awarded by Radio France In...
Maputo What's on

Business administration week.

27-31 March 2006. The private Higher Polytechnic and University Institute (ISPU) in Maputo is holding a business administration week with support from the British Council. The aim of the event is to a...
Maputo What's on

Moda Maputo 06.

30 March-1 April 2006. International and Mozambican fashion goes on show in the bar owned and run by renowned Mozambican photographer and jazz lover Ricardo Rangel inside Maputos colonial railway stat...
Maputo What's on

Photos by Peter McKenzie.

9-17 March 2006. Exhibition of photographs by award-winning South African photographer Peter McKenzie to mark the 25th anniversary of the Associao Moambicana de Fotografia (AMF). Mckenzie is the chief...
Maputo What's on

Madame K and Lui.

24-25 Feb 2006. Swiss choreographer and multi-media specialist Nicole Seiler is in Maputo as part of a southern African tour with two solo pieces combining dance and video projections. Madame K, dance...
Maputo What's on

Francophone diversity.

1-31 March 2006. The Centro Cutural Franco-Moambicano (CCFM) is offering a full programme of events in March to mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Senegalese poet, independence leader and...
Maputo What's on

France calling Mozambique.

14-24 Feb 2006. Mozambican sculptor Titos Mabota and French artist Anne Laure Roy show their work in a joint exhibition at the Centro Cultural Franco-Moambicano (CCFM). Mabota is well-known both insid...
Maputo What's on

Speech contest for kids.

22 April 2006. Grade 7-12 students from South Africa, Mozambique and Swaziland take part in a speech competition organised by the Toastmasters Club of Mbabane (Swaziland). There are two competition ca...
Maputo What's on

Window onto European film.

23-31 Jan 2006. The French Mozambican Cultural Centre presents a selection of films by European directors as part of the festival Windows onto Europe. The line-up includes: One-Way Ticket to Mombasa (...
Maputo What's on

Exhibition in aid of armoury explosion victims.

From 3 May 2007. Over 20 Mozambican artists are taking part in a group exhibition at the Brazilian Studies Centre to raise money for survivors of the explosion at a weapon
Maputo What's on

Mozambique Whisky Festival 2012

21 June 2012. The Mozambique Whisky Festival foresees the tasting of Mozambican super alcoholics, such as whisky, brandy, rum, spirits and cognac accompanied by Jazz life music. This event promotes...
Maputo What's on

Marinela Fazendeiro exhibition in Maputo

24 March-10 April. Exhibition of painting and glasswork by Marinela Fazendeiro, the founder of the newly opened Bubble Glass Solutions in Matola, who specialises in fine art and glass fusion. This is...


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