Fri, 14 March 2025
Africa's news in English
Nairobi News

US raises visa fees for Kenyans

Kenyans wanting to travel to the United States (US) for tourism or study purposes now have to pay more for their visa as a result of a global increase in application fees that comes into effect on 4 J...
Nairobi News

Kenya constitutional referendum on 4 August

On 4 August Kenyans are called to take part in a referendum on the new draft constitution, which was approved by parliament in April. On that day, eligible voters will be asked to answer the question
Nairobi News

New Kenya-Uganda railway to go ahead

The state-owned railway company Kenya Railways is moving ahead with plans to build a new standard gauge railway between the port city of Mombasa and the Ugandan capital Kampala alongside the existing...
Nairobi News

Kenya churches oppose new draft constitution

Church leaders in Kenya are presenting a united front against the new draft constitution, which was approved by parliament in April and is to be put to a popular referendum later this year. Leader...
Nairobi News

Africa suffers from week of Europe's airport closures

Africa has not been spared the negative effects of disrupted air transport and business across much of Europe caused by ash fallout from the Icelandic volcano. Horticultural and agricultural expor...
Nairobi News

Kenya to abolish EAC work permits

Kenya is taking steps to abolish work permit requirements for people from other East African Community (EAC) member states who wish to work in the country. Currently only citizens of Rwanda are exempt...
Nairobi News

ICC approves investigation into Kenya election violence

The International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague has given the go-ahead for a formal investigation into the violence that followed Kenya
Nairobi News

Kenya's Wangechi Mutu wins Deutsche Bank award

Kenyan contemporary artist Wangechi Mutu has won the 2010 Artist of the Year award assigned by the Deutsche Bank Global Art Advisory Council for the first time this year. Her work is on show at the...
Nairobi News

Toyota to expand operations in Kenya

Japanese motor vehicle giant Toyota is to establish a regional African headquarters in Nairobi. A Toyota spokesman said the group planned to expand its operations in the east Africa region and increas...
Nairobi News

Zain Africa up for sale

Kuwait-based mobile telecommunications company Zain is in exclusive talks with India
Nairobi News

New restaurant at Nairobi GoDown

A new restaurant has opened at the GoDown arts centre on Dunga Road. The Manna opened to the public on 1 March and serves breakfast, traditional dishes, daily specials and sandwiches. Located in a...
Nairobi News

Safaricom promotes contemporary Kenyan artists

Safaricom is opening an exhibition space for the visual arts on the ground floor of its new extension at Safaricom House in Westlands. The space is to be available for local contemporary artists and i...
Nairobi News

Kenya cabinet crisis

The Kenyan government of national unity is in the grips of another crisis after president Mwai Kibaki of the Party of National Unity (PNU) overruled a decision by prime minister Raila Odinga of Orange...
Nairobi News

Kenya Airways flies high

Kenya Airways (KQ) saw an increase in both cargo and passengers in the three months to December 2009, confirming its place as one of the leading carriers in sub-Saharan Africa. Cargo volume increa...
Nairobi News

Kenya prime minister position to be abolished

Members of parliament working on a new draft constitution for Kenya have agreed to abolish the position of prime minister in favour of an executive president checked by a strengthened parliament and j...
Nairobi News

Kenya steps up fight on HIV/AIDS

Kenya has unveiled a new strategy to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS that will specifically target the most at risk populations in the country, including male and female sex workers and intravenous drug...
Nairobi News

Fly540 starts Nairobi-Mwanza route

Fly540, which calls itself Africa
Nairobi News

Prepaid electricity scheme in Nairobi

Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) is testing a pilot scheme in Nairobi for prepaid electricity sales. Potential customers will be able to pay for electricity in advance, along the same lines as...
Nairobi News

Flights to Nairobi get cheaper

Two British airlines are offering discounted fares to Kenya for several months as long as they are booked before the end of January. British Airways is offering
Nairobi News

Flights to Nairobi get cheaper

Two British airlines are offering discounted fares to Kenya for several months as long as they are booked before the end of January. British Airways is offering
Nairobi News

Phoenix Players close

The Nairobi-based semi-professional theatre company Phoenix Players has closed to the public due to problems with rent at its performance venue at the Professional Centre in Parliament Road. The compa...
Nairobi News

Digital TV in Kenya

Kenya has begun the transition from analogue to digital terrestrial television (DTT), the second African country to do so. South Africa began its migration to DTT in 2008, partly in view of the footba...
Nairobi News

Constitutional reform in Kenya

Kenyans are debating a new draft constitution presented to the public on 17 November. They have until 17 December to put their views to the committee of experts responsible for preparing the draft, wh...
Nairobi News

All Africa Dance Festival in Nairobi

From 9-13 December the Kenyatta International Conference Centre in Nairobi hosts the All Africa Dance Conference and Festival on Peace. Over 1,000
Nairobi News

ICC prosecutor moves on Kenya election violence suspects

The chief prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC), Luis Moreno Ocampo, has formally requested judges to open an investigation into the violence in Kenya sparked by the disputed presidenti...
Nairobi News

Kenya to start drilling for oil

A Chinese company is to start prospective drilling for oil in central Kenya before the end of October, the Daily Nation newspaper reports. The China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) is to sin...
Nairobi News

Negative growth for Kenya’s flower industry

Flower farming in Kenya is going through a rocky patch due to a combination of shrinking export markets particularly in Europe as a result of the global recession and ongoing drought. In the 12 mo...


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