Sat, 29 March 2025
Africa's news in English
Nairobi What's on

Resolutions broken in Kenya

15-27 Jan. The Heartstrings Kenya presents this theatrical play, entitled Resolutions broken in Kenya and directed by Sammy Mwangi and Victor Ber. This hilarious comedy tries to explain to the publ...
Nairobi What's on

The Jury by Phoenix Players

18-26 Jan. This play, entitled The Jury, was adapted from Reginald Rose’s Twelve Angry Men. The plot centres on the deliberation of a jury in a homicide trial. The initial, nearly unanimous,...
Nairobi What's on

Theatrical Play My Brilliant Divorce

26 October-10 November 2012. The Phoenix Players present My Brilliant Divorce, directed by Geraldine Aron. It hilariously explores the life of a 40-something woman, named Angela, who suddenly retur...
Nairobi What's on

The Hot Mamas

19-21 October 2012. This hilarious and confusional comedy of misunderstanding, entitled The Hot Mamas, tells the story of a Kenyan named Kinyua, who is on his first holiday with his wife Nyakenya in K...
Nairobi What's on

Theatrical Play Side Effects

5-20 October 2012. This theatrical play, entitled Side Effects, tells the story of Frank, who has been hospitalized for a rare complaint for one week in a private nursing home by his wife June. Whilst...
Nairobi What's on

Happy Birthday by The Phoenix Players

14-29 September 2012. The Phoenix Players present Happy Birthday, a play directed by George Munga. The plot tells of Bernard, who invites his mistress, Brigit, to his home on her birthday in presen...
Nairobi What's on

Theatrical Play: If I Were You

24 August-8 September 2012. The Phoenix Players present this theatrical play, entitled If I Were You and directed by Caroline Odongo. It tells the story of an ordinary family, the Rodales, who hide...
Nairobi What's on

Who’s Who Play

27 July-11 August 2012. The Phoenix Players perform the theatrical play Who’s Who, directed by George Mungai. During a clandestine weekend two men and two women meet in the lounges of the Gra...
Nairobi What's on

Three Fold Chord

6-21 July 2012. This play, entitled Three Fold Chord, is written by Scott Marshall and directed by Millicent Ogutu. It tells the story of a man, called Markus, who is secretly living a triple life....
Nairobi What's on

Visiting Hour by Phoenix Players

15-30 June 2012. This play, entitled Visiting Hour, is written by Richard Harris and directed by George Mungai. It includes four scenes, such as Plaster, in which a hospitalized husband is visited...
Nairobi What's on

Homage to the Grimm Brothers

16 June 2012. On occasion of the 200 anniversary from the publishing of the Grimm’s Fairy Tales, this theatrical performance, entitled A World of Fairies and Shadows, pays homage to the famous G...
Nairobi What's on

A Raisin in the Sun

13-28 April 2012. The Phoenix Players perform this drama, entitled A Raisin in the Sun, written by Lorraine Hansberry, directed by George Mungai and produced by Millicent Ogutu and George Mungai. I...
Nairobi What's on

Why Not Stay for Breakfast?

24 March-7 April 2012. The Phoenix Players present this comedy, entitled Why Not Stay for Breakfast?, starring Ray Cooney and Gene Stone and directed by Likarion Wainaina. It tells the story of a 45 y...
Nairobi What's on

Dance Performance Inboda: Nairo-Bach

25-26 February 2012. This dance performance is part of a project, entitled Inboda (international body- and dancework): Nairo-Bach, is staged by the German dance company UnterwegsTheater. On stage...
Nairobi What's on

Breaksession Bboy Battle

13 January 2012. This break-dance performance is entitled Breaksession Bboy Battle by Joe Nene (a.k.a. Bboy Kay/BreakDj Kay). This event was performed for the first time in Kenya in July 2011 and h...
Nairobi What's on

Patamango: Introduction to Tango Milonguero

1-27 September 2011. This four week course is meant to introduce participants to the fundamental techniques of social tango, such as posture and axis, stepping, pivoting, cadence, partner connection a...
Nairobi What's on

Afro Galactica: Journey into Dance

11 February 2011. This experimental dance performance by Urbana Africa and choreographed by Kiki Cheptoo, proposes a mix of electric choreographic pieces, traditional and contemporary pieces of Africa...
Nairobi What's on

Dance Festival of Solos and Duets

29-30 October 2010. Goethe Institute hosts two evenings of the 4th Edition of the Nairobi Festival of Solos and Duets, which will take place from 25 October to 13 Novemebr at different venues around N...
Nairobi What's on

Pamoja Dance Group at RaMoMa

29 May 2010. Pamoja Dance Group presents its new creation Three Phases about the life of one of its lead dancers, Dalmas, who lost a leg in a road accident aged four and has gone on to become a succes...
Nairobi What's on

Crown of Russian Ballet in Nairobi

29-31 May 2010. Moscow ballet company Crown of Russian Ballet returns to Nairobi for the fourth consecutive year for a performance marking the 200th anniversary of the birth of Fryderyk Chopin. Russia...


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