Sun, 23 February 2025
Africa's news in English
Nairobi What's on

Fashion for Peace 2009.

21-25 April 2009. The Festival for Arts and Fashion in Africa (FAFA) is hosting its second annual Fashion for Peace event in Nairobi to draw attention once again to the talent and sophistication of Af...
Nairobi What's on

Exhibitions at RaMoMa.

15 April-16 May 2009. Paintings by Cartoon Joseph about daily life, sculpture by Ugandan artist Kamya Charles, paintings by Sane Wadu and photographs by Japanese contemporary artist Yoshinari Nishio a...
Nairobi What's on

Kenya Conservatoire concert at the GoDown

5 April 2009. Students at the Kenya Conservatoire of Music perform in an end-of-term concert at the GoDown. There will be solo performances as well as a special appearance by the Conservatoire
Nairobi What's on

Phoenix Players in

4-18 April 2009. The Phoenix Players present the comedy
Nairobi What's on

John Silver prints at Le Rustique.

27 March-30 April 2009. Colourful prints by Kuona Trust artists John Silver and Gudlaug Sigurdar are on show at Le Rustique Restaurant in Nairobi. Silver is also leading a woodcut printmaking workshop...
Nairobi What's on

ISK theatre production.

2-4 April 2009. The International School of Kenya presents
Nairobi What's on

Exhibitions at RaMoMa.

19 March-9 April 2009. Sculpture by Anthony Wanjau, mixed media work by Beatrice Njoroge incorporating old stamps, newspapers and envelopes, paintings by Mary Collins and
Nairobi What's on

Art by kids with Down at City Primary School.

19 March-9 April 2009. Artwork by children with Down syndrome, autism and other neurological problems is on show at the Rahimtullah Museum of Modern Art. The young artists attend the art club at the
Nairobi What's on

?Kenya Burning

17 March-20 May 2009. Photos by amateur and professional photographers documenting the violence that followed the disputed presidential elections of December 2007 and the difficult process of reconcil...
Nairobi What's on

Phoenix Players in

13-28 March 2009. The Phoenix Players presents
Nairobi What's on

Nairobi Wine Show 2009.

20-21 March 2009. Annual Nairobi Wine Show. Entry includes unlimited wine tasting, food, live musical entertainment and a donation to the Mount Kenya Trust, which promotes environmental conservation p...
Nairobi What's on

AfricanColours gallery walk.

28 Feb 2009. Participants will be taken on a tour of three Nairobi galleries: Marula studios and Kazuri beads in Karen and Pimbi Gallery in Lavington. Participants will be collected from RaMoMA, 2nd P...
Nairobi What's on

Kijani Kenya Music Festival.

27 Feb-7 March 2009. This year
Nairobi What's on

Ash Uman exhibition at Banana Hill.

14 Feb-12 March 2009. Ugandan-born self-taught artist Ash Uman presents his work in
Nairobi What's on

Photos of Lake Turkana Cultural Festival.

26 Feb-19 March 2009. Photographs documenting the first edition of the Lake Turkana Cultural Festival organised by the German embassy in Loiyangalani on Lake Turkana in northwest Kenya in June 2008. T...
Nairobi What's on

Group exhibition at Le Rustique.

27 Feb-26 March 2009. Work by Fred Abuga, Omosh Kinde, Charles Natia and Wilson Mwangi goes on show at Le Rustique restaurant in Nairobi. Opening 27 Feb at 18.00.
Nairobi What's on

"Kenya Burning" book launch and photographic exhibition.

28 Feb-2 March 2009. 28 Feb sees the launch of the book "Kenya Burning", which brings together a series of photos by amateur and professional photographers documenting the violence that followed the d...
Nairobi What's on

Phoenix Players in Nairobi.

20 Feb-7 March 2009. The Phoenix Players present a triple bill of short plays by British playwrights including
Nairobi What's on

Worlds of the Indian Ocean festival.

19-23 Feb 2009. Conference and arts and science festival organised by the Aga Khan university exploring the culture of Indian Ocean countries. The programme includes workshops, discussions, exhibition...
Nairobi What's on

Exhibitions at RaMoMa.

18 Feb-8 March 2009. Painted umbrellas, sculpture by Tanzania-based Dutch sculptor Mieke van Grinsven, work by Italian architect and artist Umberto Signa and photographs from the South Asian Mosaic of...


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