Mon, 31 March 2025
Africa's news in English
Nairobi What's on

Waiting for happiness by Sissako.

18 Sept 2006. Mauritanian film director Abderrahmane Sissakos 2002 film En attendant le bonheur is being screened at the Alliance Franaise in Nairobi. The film tells the story of a young boy, Abdallah...
Nairobi What's on

Africities exhibitions.

12-30 Sept 2006. Alliance Franaise presents two exhibitions to coincide with the Africities summit in Nairobi 18-22 Sept. The first, titled Image-in the MDGs, is a display of photographs by and for yo...
Nairobi What's on

Nairobi international book fair.

20-24 Sept 2006. The ninth edition of the annual international book fair organised by the Kenya Publishers Association presents locally published books and magazines as well as publications from elsew...
Nairobi What's on

Exhibition of painting and sculpture at RaMoMa.

1-26 Sept 2006. Soapstone sculptures by Naftal Momanyi and paintings by Patrick Mukabi go on show at the Rahimtulla Museum of Modern Art (RaMoMa) in central Nairobi. Momanyi has been working with soap...
Nairobi What's on

Kamicha and Okello at Le Rustique.

18 Aug-21 Sept 2006. Work by contemporary artists John Kamicha and Anthony Okello is on display at Le Rustique restaurant and delicatessen in Nairobi. Both artists are members of the Kuona Trust, whic...
Nairobi What's on

Not My Fault at Kenya National Theatre.

25-27 Aug 2006. Not My Fault directed by Ellis Otieno goes on stage in the music hall of Kenya National Theatre. Tickets Ksh250. Performances start at 17.30.
Nairobi What's on

Exhibition of work by John Ndungu.

18 Aug-7 Sept 2006. Paintings by Kenyan artist John Ndungu are on display at the Banana Hill Art Studio in northeast Nairobi. Daily 10.00-18.00. Entrance free.
Nairobi What's on

Man equals Man by Bertolt Brecht.

26 Aug-9 Sept 2006. The Phoenix Players present German poet and playwright Bertolt Brechts Man equals man directed by Steve Murua. Set in British colonial India, the play tells the story of the milita...
Nairobi What's on

Surrealism at the Village Market.

18-22 Aug 2006. Around 20 works by surrealist painter Samuel Mbugua Boella Mbugua are on display at the exhibition space in the Village Market in Nairobi. Inspired by the 20th-century Spanish master o...
Nairobi What's on

Comedy at the Alliance Francaise.

19-20 Aug 2006. The Mbalamwezi Players Society presents Househusband by Anat Gov at the Alliance Francaise in Nairobi. The family comedy about a recently retired pilot stars Sam Otieno in the lead rol...
Nairobi What's on

Smelling a Rat by Mike Leigh.

4-19 Aug 2006. Peter King, Mike Asiago, Elizabeth Muchunku, TK Kitana and Lydia Nyambura star in British theatre and film director Mike Leighs 1988 anti-farce Smelling a Rat. The production is present...
Nairobi What's on

Michel Ongaro at the Alliance francaise.

28 July 2006. Kenyan baritone Michel Ongaro performs live in the gardens of the Alliance francaise in Nairobi. 19.00. Tickets Ksh300.
Nairobi What's on

Cartoon talent exhibition.

12-28 July 2006. This exhibition of cartoons organised by the Association of East African Cartoonists (KATUNI) at the Goethe-Institut Nairobi features the best of Kenyan amateur cartoonists as determi...
Nairobi What's on

Paintings by Anthony Okello in Nairobi.

11 July-1 Aug 2006. Mixed-media artist Anthony Okello exhibits work at Rahimtulla Museum of Modern Art (RaMoMa) in Nairobi. Born in Awendo in 1976, Okello studied graphic design at the Buru Buru Insti...
Nairobi What's on

Shootback. Photos from Mathare slum.

9 June-31 July 2006. Photographs by children and young people living in Nairobis second largest slum document the importance of sports in general and football in particular in transforming their lives...
Nairobi What's on

Work by Lucki Mutebi.

22 July-17 Aug 2006. Work by Lucki Mutebi is on show in the Shapes in art exhibition at the Banana Hill gallery just outside Nairobi. 10.00-18.00. Admission free.
Nairobi What's on

On-line art exhibition.

Ongoing. Work by Kenyan and African artists who took part in the Free Your Spirit exhibition and sale organised by in Nairobi in mid-April can now be viewed on line at
Nairobi What's on

Film on labour issues.

6 July 2006. The Italian non-governmental organisation Istitito Pace Sviluppo Innovazione Acli (IPSIA) presents the short film in English Kazi ni Kazi in the Michelangelo Hall of the Italian Cultural...
Nairobi What's on


30 June-2 July 2006. Backstage Theatre presents Norman Robbins tale of suspense Nightmare. Marion, an elderly writer, is being cared for by Laura, an experienced nurse from London, in the absence of h...
Nairobi What's on

Photographs of Nairobi.

19-30 June 2006. James Muriuki, assistant programme coordinator at Ramoma Gallery and experimental photographer, presents a selection of images in What I see in Nairobi. The exhibition is a precursor...


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