Fri, 28 March 2025
Africa's news in English
Nairobi News

Fighting fake pharmaceuticals in Kenya

Kenya has become the most recent African country to start a pilot scheme for mobile phone verification of pharmaceuticals. Its use is simple and provides an immediate response for the user. A scra...
Cape Town News

New drinking laws for Cape Town

A new by-law which comes into effect in January 2011 will see new drinking hours introduced for Cape Town's bars, clubs, hotels and restaurants, which will open at 11.00 instead of 10.00, and close at...
Dar Es Salaam News

Fistula awareness campaign launched in Tanzania

It is estimated that there are about 3,000 new cases of obstetric fistula a year in Tanzania, and only about 800 women a year who manage to get help and surgery for what is often a severe physical and...
Nairobi News

Affordable malaria medicine in pharmacies

Elizabeth Juma, head of the malaria control division in Kenya's ministry of health, has confirmed that highly effective malaria drugs are now available to Kenyans from their local pharmacies at a grea...
Addis Ababa News

Honorary doctorate for Ethiopia’s Catherine Hamlin

The Australian doctor Catherine Hamlin has been awarded an honorary doctoral degree by Addis Ababa University (AAU) for her work in Ethiopia with women suffering from fistula injuries due to obstructe...
Maputo News

Maputo provincial hospital ready in 2011

Work is underway to build a new provincial hospital in Matola, near Maputo, taking pressure off existing facilities in the capital. The construction of the $9.5 million hospital is running slightl...
Cairo News

New Egypt tobacco tax

The price of tobacco products has risen sharply in Egypt as the result of a new tax aimed at encouraging smokers to kick their habit. Under the new levy, which came into force on 1 July, the cost...
Cape Town News

Condoms for the World Cup

The British government has given South Africa
Arusha News

Rape centre opens in Arusha

Victims of rape and sexual abuse can now receive specialist medical and psychological assistance from a dedicated centre in Arusha. The Rape and Sexual Absue Care Centre (RSACC) is run by the Arus...
Maputo News

National child health week in Mozambique

National child health week begins in Mozambique on 12 April with a new emphasis on maternal health as well as the health of children. During the five-day campaign health workers are targeting thre...
Accra News

Guinness launches Ghana safe drinking water campaign

Guinness Ghana Breweries is to provide clean drinking water to over 300,000 people in 2010 as part of its a corporate social responsibility programme. The announcement by the company coincided with ce...
Dar Es Salaam News

Family planning for HIV patients in Dar es Salaam

Community health workers in Dar es Salaam are undertaking a new project to integrate family planning with information about HIV/AIDS after a 2009 study conducted in Tanzania and published in the journ...
Maputo News

Mozambique battles cholera and floods

Over 40 people are now known to have died from an outbreak of cholera in Mozambique
Arusha News

The Selian Hospital's Wandering Surgeon

The Selian Hospital is a Lutheran-run hospital in Arusha, Tanzania. Since January we have been following the blog of a visiting surgeon there and feel that what he writes about the difficulties, the h...
Dar Es Salaam News

Zinduka anti-malaria concert in Dar

On 13 February musicians from Tanzania will gather in Dar es Salaam for a concert to launch an anti-malaria campaign targeting the country
Nairobi News

Kenya steps up fight on HIV/AIDS

Kenya has unveiled a new strategy to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS that will specifically target the most at risk populations in the country, including male and female sex workers and intravenous drug...
Lagos News

Lagos hospital reforms

Boards of governors have been introduced at 12 public hospitals and health facilities in Lagos to improve public health care in the state. Until now the hospitals have been run directly by the state g...
Dar Es Salaam News

SMS for life in Tanzania

An innovative system using mobile phones has been set up in 135 rural villages in Tanzania, covering a population of about one million, to keep track of stocks of anti-malarial drugs. Each week the lo...


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