5-29 September 2012. The play “Boesman and Lena” by the South African playwright, novelist, actor and director Athol Fugard, is directed by James Ngcobo and stars Quanita Adams, Elton Landrew and Charly Azade.
This small cast play, premiered in 1969, is set in the Swartkops mudflats just outside Port Elizabeth. It tells the story of two lonely weather-beaten squatters, trapped in a struggle for freedom and dignity.
This play was inspired by an incident, which occurred to Fugard 1965 while he was driving down a rural road in South Africa. He noticed an old lady walking along the road under a very hot sun, miles from anywhere, and offered her a lift. She was overcome and cried with gratitude. She told him her story: her husband had just died and she was walking to another farm. It shows the effects of apartheid on poor, black people.
Daily at 20.15.
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Boesman and Lena
Baxter Theatre Centre. Main Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, tel. +27 21 685 7880.