Fri, 21 February 2025
Africa's news in English
Addis Ababa What's on

Trans Continental Cooperation in Africa

Our readers what's on: - Call for Applications - International Conference Trans Continental Cooperation in Africa "The Future of the Millennium Development Goals in the African Union" (Addis Aba...
Cape Town What's on

Heritage Week at Iziko

Heritage Week at Iziko. Free entrance to Iziko Museums of South Africa. Art, dance, music, discussion, performances. Leading up to Heritage Day on 24 Sept Iziko Mobile Museum travels to locations i...
Accra What's on

Writers Project of Ghana

This event takes place within the Ghana Voices Series and consists of a monthly book reading, dedicated to the novel Circles by the Ghanaian writer and organizational psychologist and consultant Boaky...
Accra What's on

Enhancing Culture Reporting

The famous German writer Johanna di Blasi holds this workshop for journalists on Enhancing Culture Reporting, which reflects on the role of media in the development of national culture. Di Blasi intro...
Accra What's on

Lecture Series: Architecture in Accra

16 April 2012. This lecture, held by the famous Ghanaian architect and former mayor Nat Nuno-Amarteifio, pays homage to Architecture in Accra and focuses on its early traditional architectural styles....
Dar Es Salaam What's on

42nd Francophonie Week

20-31 March 2012. On occasion of the yearly Francophonie Week, which promotes the Frenchlanguage and cultural diversity, Dar es Salaam hosts many cultural events. On 21 March at 19.00 Alliance Fran...
Addis Ababa What's on

Goethe Institut’s Open House

21 April 2012. On occasion of its 50th anniversary, Goethe Institut pays homage to the German culture and language with this Open House. On programme are various events for all ages, such as fairy-tal...


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