17 May 2012. Goethe Institut projects two new episodes of the television series The Little Investigators, which focus on the issue of climate change in Ethiopia.
These episodes, directed to young men aged 12 to 17, explain the link between CO2-emission and environmental change.
This project, organized by Goethe Institut and Whizkids Workshop, is financed by the Climate Fund 2011 of the German Embassy in Addis Ababa and is part of the exhibition Examples to Follow: Expeditions in Aesthetics and Sustainability, contemporarily displayed at the Goethe-Institut and the Modern Art Museum until 24 May.
Projection in Amharic with English subtitles starts at 19.00.
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Film Premiere on Climate Change
Goethe Institut. Sedist Kilo, Compound of Business and Economics, Addis Ababa, tel. +251 11 1242345/46.