Sat, 22 February 2025
Africa's news in English
Accra What's on

Peter Sebald lecture on Togo.

9 Feb 2010. Dr Peter Sebald, a specialist on German colonial history in Africa, will lecture on the history of the independence of Togo, declared on 27 April 1960, three years after the neighboring Go...
Cairo What's on

Edward Said Memorial.

31 Oct-3 Nov 2009. The department of English and comparative literature has organised two lectures entitled Contrapuntal Intellectual: Edward Said and Music and Staging Majnun Layla: An Intercultural...
Accra What's on

Interviews & salary negotiation

listen to the UK trained experts - the art of selling and salary negotiation

Career Creation for Women

We create a career for you based on your natural strengths. All career projects are developed for wealth creation.
Dar Es Salaam What's on

Tuongee Sanaa art talk.

25 July-22 Aug 2009. Painter and political cartoonist Fred Halla shares the ups and downs of being a visual artist in Tanzania at the monthly
Nairobi What's on

Amnesia project lectures.

14-27 June 2009. Cameroonian curator Simon Njami and Egyptian artists Amal el Kenawy and Moataz Nasr are in Nairobi for a series of lectures as part of the ongoing
Accra What's on

Peter Sebald lecture on the Ghana-Togo border.

3 March 2009. Dr Peter Sebald, a specialist in German colonial history in Africa, lectures on
Dar Es Salaam What's on

High Commissioner Philip Parham at the British Council.

28 Feb 2009. British High Commissioner to Tanzania Philip Parham reflects on his three years in the country ahead of his departure at the end of January for this month
Cairo What's on

Jeffrey Sachs lecture at AUC.

9 Feb 2009. The outspoken and controversial American economist Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University, lectures on
Cairo What's on

Payam Akhavan lecture.

14 Dec 2008. Payam Akhavan, professor of international law at McGill University in Canada and president and co-founder of the Iran Human Rights Documentation Centre in New Haven, Connecticut, lectures...
Cairo What's on

Terence Eagleton lecture in Cairo.

1 Nov 2008. Influential British literary critic Terence Eagleton will deliver a speech titled “Tragedy and Terror” as part of the Edward Said Memorial Lecture series at the American Univer...
Cairo What's on

Lecture at the AUC.

9 Oct 2008. Justice Albert Louis Sachs, author, human rights activist and a member of the bench of the South African Constitutional Court, lectures on
Dar Es Salaam What's on

Lecture on Kiswahili poetry.

30 June 2008. Mathieu Roy, a French scholar of Kiswahili poetry, gives a lecture on this vibrant aspect of Tanzanian culture. Poetry readings in Kiswahili with printed English translation. 18.00. Entr...
Addis Ababa What's on

Democracy and the Social Question.

20 May 2008. Third in a series of lectures entitled
Cairo What's on

Stephen Walt lecture.

29 May 2008. Talk by Stephen Walt, co-author of the controversial book
Lagos What's on

Women in higher education discussion.

6 May 2008. Nigerian women who have reached positions of leadership within the higher education system will share their experience at a round-table discussion organised by the Goethe-Institut and the...
Dar Es Salaam What's on

Nehemiah Kyando at the British Council.

30 April 2008. Chief executive officer of the Commercial Bank of Africa Nehemiah Kyando gives a talk on
Addis Ababa What's on

International Women’s Day lecture.

8 March 2008. Doctors Mulu Muleta and Betel Amanuel from the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital lecture on the plight of women suffering from obstetric fistula due to obstructed labour, sexual abuse or rape...


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