11 February-11 March 2011. The Iziko Planetarium hosts this event both for adults and teenagers, which investigates on the Cosmic Egg, an ancient mythological concept, which was resurrected by modern science in the 1930s.
The Cosmic Egg is a shell of a hollow sphere, which contains everything of the universe, is populated by billions of galaxies, consisting of gigantic cities of stars, each one with its own solar system.
Even on the clearest night and with the most powerful telescope, observers can watch only a limited part of the universe because it ends at an opaque wall, created by the original big bang.
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Living Inside the Cosmic Egg
Iziko Planetarium. 25 Queen Victoria Street, Cape Town. Mon-Fri 09.00-14.00, Tue 09.00-20.00, Sat-Sun 09.00-14.30.