Sat, 15 March 2025
Africa's news in English
Maputo What's on

Postcards from Maputo.

15-21 Nov 2008. Photos by Paty Jimenez and Melissa van Herksen of Picture Perfect Concepts give an insight into the daily life and rhythm of Maputo. The images are taken from their photo card collecti...
Lagos What's on

MTV Africa Music Awards.

22 Nov 2008. Music stars from Nigeria and abroad are expected in Abuja for the first edition of the MTV Africa Music Awards (MAMA). Participants include Nigerian singer-songwriter D
Cairo What's on

Stomp in Cairo.

20-23 Nov 2008. International percussion sensation
Addis Ababa What's on

?Views of Ethiopia

13-28 Nov 2008. Thirty drawings by German traveller, painter, architect and craftsman Eduard Zander are on show at the Goethe Institut in Addis Ababa. The works on display were executed during the art...
Dar Es Salaam What's on

Woodcarving exhibition.

13-29 Nov 2008. Kashmiri and Simon Castani Jr, two of the most famous sculptors in Tanzania, present their latest works. Opening 13 Nov at 18.00. 14-29 Nov 10.00-18.00.
Accra What's on

Shreefpunk jazz band at the Alliance Française.

2 Dec 2008. Johannes Behr, Jens D
Cairo What's on

Lapdogs of the Bourgeoisie.

9 Nov-3 Dec 2008. Nine international artists explore the role of class in the production and dissemination of contemporary art. The artists are Annika Eriksson, Chris Evans, Dirk Fleischmann, Michele...
Lagos What's on

Nollywood Outstanding Personality Awards.

5 Dec 2008. Actors, directors and producers working in Nigeria
Nairobi What's on

Braeburn art exhibition.

3 Nov-7 Dec 2008. Anjni and Neeta Shah show their abstract work in
Cape Town What's on

Scratches on the face.

15 Oct-31 July 2009. Items from the Iziko collections illustrate the multiple histories that have helped shape South Africa. Put together for an international exchange programme, the exhibition return...
Cairo What's on

Terence Eagleton lecture in Cairo.

1 Nov 2008. Influential British literary critic Terence Eagleton will deliver a speech titled “Tragedy and Terror” as part of the Edward Said Memorial Lecture series at the American Univer...
Nairobi What's on

Kenya International Film Festival.

22 Oct-1 Nov 2008. “Celebrating our cultural diversity” is the theme of the third edition of the Kenya International Film Festival in the capital Nairobi. Films will be screened at the All...
Lagos What's on

Association of Nigerian Authors convention.

30 Oct-2 Nov 2008. Creative writers and publishers from all over Nigeria gather in the northwestern Zamfara State for the annual convention of the Association of Nigerian Authors, which this year will...
Maputo What's on

Reading festival in Maputo.

23 Oct-3 Nov 2008. The French-Mozambican cultural centre (CCFM) marks 20 years of the international festival dedicated to reading, “Lire en f
Cairo What's on

Photos of West Thebes.

20 Oct-6 Nov. Photographs by Ferene Pfeffer and Marcell Nagy illustrate Hungarian excavations in West Thebes.
Maputo What's on

Maputo Young Professional Network.

7 Nov 2008. Junior diplomats and young professionals based in Mozambique are invited to a meeting of the Maputo Young Professional Network. 20.00. 200 MT excluding consumption. Dress code: smart casua...
Nairobi What's on

Phoenix Players and "Betrayal".

24 Oct-8 Nov 2008. The Phoenix Players present
Nairobi What's on

Susannah Mortensen painting exhibition.

5-10 Nov 2008. Works in watercolour, charcoal and pastel by Susannah Mortensen, who lives in Laikipia, Kenya. Opening 5 Nov at 2008. Daily 09.30-16.30.
Accra What's on

Contemporary dance in Accra.

25 Nov 2008. “We are part ... We look to the sky” is the result of a collaborative project involving the TimAfrik Contemporary Dance Troupe from Accra and Klangprojekt from Leipzig in Germ...


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