Sat, 15 March 2025
Africa's news in English
Nairobi What's on

Kenya International Canoeing Marathon.

5-8 Nov 2008. Canoeists from several countries including kenya, South Africa, Italy and France are expected in Kenya for the first edition of the Kenya International Canoeing Marathon under the themes...
Maputo What's on

Biosafety and Biotechnology conference.

26-27 Aug 2008. Two-day workshop organized by the ministry of science and technology of Mozambique and the United States department of agriculture (USDA) focusing on the use and regulation of biotechn...
Maputo What's on

Art workshop at the German-Mozambican Cultural Institute.

29 Aug-7 Sept 2008. Mozambican plastic artists who have worked or studied in Germany take part in an art workshop to promote artistic and cultural exchange. The event will culminate in an exhibition a...
Maputo What's on

Group exhibition in the Espaço Joaquim Chissano.

22 Aug-1 Sept 2008. Group exhibition marking the 25th anniversary of the creation of the National School of Visual Art (ENAV) in Maputo. The works on display include painting, ceramics and engravings...
Maputo What's on

Green living expo in Nelspruit.

29-30 Aug 2008. The Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa is holding a two-day exhibition in Nelspruit near the South Africa-Mozambique border to present the latest ideas and technologies f...
Maputo What's on

Adelino Timoteo exhibition.

22 Aug-6 Sept 2008. Exhibtion of work by Mozambican artist, journalist and writer Adelino Timoteo. Tuues-Sat 11.00-19.00.
Dar Es Salaam What's on

Ashimba Dau at the Alliance Française.

17 Sept 2008. The September edition of the monthly Barazani multicultural night is dedicated to Tanzanian singer-songwriter and guitarist Ashimba Dau. Based in the coastal town of Bagamoyo, Ashimba dr...
Dar Es Salaam What's on

Admiral T in concert.

24 Sept 2008. Admiral T, whose real name is Christy Campbell, is a French Guadeloupian singer of reggae dancehall music. Born in 1981, he began his career with Karukera Sound System before going solo...
Cape Town What's on

Baxter Dance Festival.

20-24 Aug 2008. Established and upcoming companies and choreographers perform in this year
Maputo What's on

Mia Couto in Maputo.

27-28 Aug 2008. The French-Mozambican cultural centre presents Mickael Fontaine
Maputo What's on

Festival of contemporary dance.

28-30 Aug 2008. This three-day event is dedicated to the late Mozambican choreographer Augusto Cuvilas, who was shot dead by police in his home in Maputo in December 2007. For programme details see th...
Maputo What's on

?Royal Flush

19-30 Aug 2008. Sculptors Shadrack Masuku, Phuzu Mtshali and Noah Mdluli from Swaziland present their work in
Nairobi What's on

Exhibitions at RaMoMa.

13 Aug-4 Sept 2008. Works by Ancent Soi, Allan Githuka and Mbuthia Maina are on show in separate exhibitions at the Rahimtulla Museum of Modern Art (RaMoMa). Born in eastern Kenya in 1937, Soi sold ar...
Nairobi What's on


27 Aug-6 Sept 2008. The Phoenix Players present Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen
Cape Town What's on


21 Aug-6 Sept 2008. Artscape presents the contemporary Afrikaans drama
Nairobi What's on

Naivasha horticultural fair.

12-13 Sept 2008. This annual horticultural fair in the heart of Kenya
Arusha What's on

Football at International School Moshi.

17 Sept 2008. Students from International School Moshi compete against their counterparts at Braeburn and St Constantine's in a U8 mixed football tournament on the ISM Arusha campus. For information s...
Nairobi What's on

Patrick Mukabi at Le Rustique.

16 Aug-18 Sept 2008. Paintings by Kenyan artist Patrick Mukabi are on display at Le Rustique restaurant in Nairobi.
Nairobi What's on

East Africa Women’s League homecrafts exhibition.

24-26 Sept 2008. Annual exhibition and competition featuring patchwork quilts, crafts and fine art works among other things. Morning coffee (Ksh50) and homemade lunches (Ksh500) are also available. 09...


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