Fri, 07 March 2025
Africa's news in English
Maputo What's on

Growing Collection

Kulungwana – the Association for Cultural Development opens its space at the central railway station once again to participating artists. They are given uniform-size panels on which to explor...
Nairobi What's on

Identity through Street Art

Opening of the exhibition Identity through Street Art at the Kenya Culture Center. This graffiti art exhibition, supported by urban artist Uhuru Brown is the result of a community outreach programm...
Nairobi What's on

Sex and the City

An exhibition of work by Michael Soi, John Kamicha and Thom Ogonga. Soi is one the the second generation Kenyan artists and a Kuona Trust prodigee. He started as a sculptor and then moved to socia...
Maputo What's on

Photographs of Xefina Island

Opened 29 March. Photographs of the island of Xefina, just off the coast of Maputo by Mario Traversi. The photos are the result of a study of the island over the last ten years and focus on its dis...
Dar Es Salaam What's on

Goat Races

The 14th edition of the annual Dar es Salaam Charity Goat Races raises money for charity. As well as betting on the goats there are other events such as fancy dress competitions, raffles, games for ch...
Lagos What's on

Lagos Carnival

The city carnival takes place along Awolowo Road, Campus Square and Tafawa Bewela Square. On Easter Monday floats and people in beautiful costumes parade along the streets of Lagos Island. It is pa...
Arusha What's on

Ngorongoro half marathon

This half marathon is to raise funds for malaria protection and control. The seventh Race against Malaria is organised by Zara Charity, the Rift Valley Athletics Club and sponsored by the Ngorongor...
Lagos What's on

Out on a limb

A 2 km walk to publicise the difficulties of child amputees and to raise money for artificial limbs for two children. The walk is from the YMCA building to the Falomo under bridge and back. The eve...
Accra What's on

Ghana Music Awards

The most important event in the Ghana music season gets underway on 1 April. There are numerous sections up for awards, each of which is divided into best female and male artist and best song. The...
Cape Town What's on

Cape Town's Eco Film Festival

Cape Town's Eco film festival shows 25 feature length films and shorts from around the world. They highlight local and global ecological issues, including genetic engineering, climate change, frack...
Accra What's on

Francophone film festival

The second edition of the francophone film festival with 10 feature films in French, two animations and 10 Ghanaian shorts in competition. There is also a script-writing workshop. For full details...
Accra What's on

Du Bois in Our Time

An exhibition of work by nine British and Ghanaian artists on the legacy of civil rights leader and Pan Africanist W.E.B Du Bois. Du Bois was a sociologist, historian and an African-American civil...
Addis Ababa What's on

Les Manuscrits de Tombouctou

Part of the celebrations of French language week this exhibition is based on the book The Timbuktu Manuscripts by French journalist Jean-Michel Djian. The Timbuktu Manuscripts, some dating back to...
Nairobi What's on

Nairobi celebrates St Patrick

Most events take place on Saturday 15 March rather than the saint’s day on 17 March. Jameson Irish Whiskey Kenya is sponsoring a St Patrick’s Live party at the Carnivore Grounds with DJ Ki...
Cairo What's on

Cairo jazz festival

The Cairo jazz festival returns for its sixth edition with a mix of concerts, workshops and master classes. In addition to the Egyptian musicians there are also groups from Japan and Australia and...
Cairo What's on

Hakawy International Arts Festival

The Hakawy international arts festival is a one-week event designed for children to promote the various techniques of storytelling (hakawy). The first festival four years ago was an introduction to...
Addis Ababa What's on

Status of women in Ethiopia and Africa today

8 March To mark international women’s day the Alliance Ethio-Française is organising a series of talks and discussions, as well as music and drama. Alliance Ethio-Francaise, Wavel Street,...
Lagos What's on

Africa Magic Viewers Choice Awards

The AMVCA cinema and television film awards ceremony is now in its second year with 28 awards up for grabs in 26 categories. This year there is a new category, the New Era award for the person who has...
Nairobi What's on

First Lady half marathon

The half marathon starts in Uhuru Gardens, through Wilson Airport Road, Langata Road, Mombasa Road and back to Uhuru Gardens. The run, which is supported by the first lady Margaret Kenyatta and the...
Cape Town What's on

Cape Town international jazz festival

The festival was first launched in 2000 and as one of the continent’s largest music gatherings it is now an annual fixture for international musicians and audiences. The festival has five sta...


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