Mon, 10 March 2025
Africa's news in English
Nairobi What's on

Exhibition of painting and sculpture at RaMoMa.

1-26 Sept 2006. Soapstone sculptures by Naftal Momanyi and paintings by Patrick Mukabi go on show at the Rahimtulla Museum of Modern Art (RaMoMa) in central Nairobi. Momanyi has been working with soap...
Accra What's on

Exhibition of painting and collage.

21-30 Sept 2006. Paintings and collages by Ghanaian artists Victor Massok and Isaac Awuley Addico go on show at the WEB Dubois Centre in Accra. The work on display dates from 2000 to the present. A gr...
Accra What's on

Not a waste recycle art.

1-30 Sept 2006. Paintings and sculptures by Ghanaian artists Tei Huagie and Samuel Agbenyega are on display at the Golden Tulip Hotel in Accra. Tei and his group Not a waste recycle art use discarded...
Nairobi What's on

Not My Fault at Kenya National Theatre.

25-27 Aug 2006. Not My Fault directed by Ellis Otieno goes on stage in the music hall of Kenya National Theatre. Tickets Ksh250. Performances start at 17.30.
Accra What's on

Lecture on democracy and governance.

31 Aug 2006. The Ghana Centre for Democratic Development (CDD) is holding its annual democracy and governance public lecture on the theme The Global context of the Governance Agenda: Reflections. CDD...
Nairobi What's on

Exhibition of work by John Ndungu.

18 Aug-7 Sept 2006. Paintings by Kenyan artist John Ndungu are on display at the Banana Hill Art Studio in northeast Nairobi. Daily 10.00-18.00. Entrance free.
Nairobi What's on

Man equals Man by Bertolt Brecht.

26 Aug-9 Sept 2006. The Phoenix Players present German poet and playwright Bertolt Brechts Man equals man directed by Steve Murua. Set in British colonial India, the play tells the story of the milita...
Nairobi What's on

Kamicha and Okello at Le Rustique.

18 Aug-21 Sept 2006. Work by contemporary artists John Kamicha and Anthony Okello is on display at Le Rustique restaurant and delicatessen in Nairobi. Both artists are members of the Kuona Trust, whic...
Cape Town What's on

Film on the future of food.

20-22 Aug 2006. The Future of Food is a film documenting the role of genetic engineering and industrial agriculture in modern food production and the negative impact that new technologies are having o...
Nairobi What's on

Surrealism at the Village Market.

18-22 Aug 2006. Around 20 works by surrealist painter Samuel Mbugua Boella Mbugua are on display at the exhibition space in the Village Market in Nairobi. Inspired by the 20th-century Spanish master o...
Nairobi What's on

Comedy at the Alliance Francaise.

19-20 Aug 2006. The Mbalamwezi Players Society presents Househusband by Anat Gov at the Alliance Francaise in Nairobi. The family comedy about a recently retired pilot stars Sam Otieno in the lead rol...
Maputo What's on

Matola jazz festival.

28-30 July 2006. The city of Matola just outside Maputo holds the first edition of a jazz music festival in homage to the late bass guitarist Gito Balim, who was born in Matola in 1964 and assassinate...
Maputo What's on

Afro-fusion concert by Chico Antonio.

4 Aug 2006. Popular Mozambican singer-songwriter and instrumentalist Chico Antonio presents his particular blend of African music styles at the French-Mozambican Cultural Centre in Maputo. The former...
Nairobi What's on

Smelling a Rat by Mike Leigh.

4-19 Aug 2006. Peter King, Mike Asiago, Elizabeth Muchunku, TK Kitana and Lydia Nyambura star in British theatre and film director Mike Leighs 1988 anti-farce Smelling a Rat. The production is present...
Cape Town What's on

African Hip Hop Indaba 2006.

9 June-27 Aug 2006. The annual hip hop indaba meaning discussion or meeting after the Zulu term in-daba provides an opportunity for breakdancers, writers, rappers, DJs, skateboarders, BMX riders, ca...
Accra What's on

Art exhibitions in Accra.

1-31 Aug 2006. The Foundation for Contemporary Art Ghana (FCA) is promoting three exhibitions of work by Ghanaian artists in Accra over August. The first is an exhibition of painting and sculpture by...
Cape Town What's on

Cape Town International Comedy Festival.

4-23 Sept 2006. The Cape Town International Comedy Festival celebrates its tenth anniversary with five separate programmes featuring acts from seven different countries. The line-up includes British c...
Cape Town What's on

Memory and healing through art.

15 July-1 Nov 2006. Breaking The Silence: A Luta Continua is the result of a collaborative project between the Human Rights Media Centre and the Khulumani Support Group Western Cape involving over 1,...
Addis Ababa What's on

Religious coexistence in Ethiopia.

1 July-31 Dec 2006. Cross and Crescent. Ethiopia as an Example of Religious Coexistence is an on-line exhibition compiled by the Johannes Gutenberg-Universitt Mainz and hosted by the new website of th...
Nairobi What's on

Michel Ongaro at the Alliance francaise.

28 July 2006. Kenyan baritone Michel Ongaro performs live in the gardens of the Alliance francaise in Nairobi. 19.00. Tickets Ksh300.


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