Fri, 14 March 2025
Africa's news in English
Accra What's on

Movie Projection About Water (People and Yellow Canister)

20 January 2011. About Water (Ueber Wasser) is a German movie by Udo Maurer from 2007, which investigates the most important resource of human life and survival. The focus is on water problems cau...
Accra What's on

Symposium on Study and Research in Germany

22 January 2011. This symposium is organized by Goethe Institut in collaboration with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the German Embassy and offers students and professionals detailed...
Accra What's on

Exhibition Not a Waste

25 January-7 February 2011. This exhibition shows how our daily waste can be turned into useful products after the idea of Tei Mensah Huagie, a dynamic Ghanaian painter, sculptor and designer, who inv...
Nairobi What's on

Poetry competition for children and students

21 December 2010-31 January 2011. This poetry competition is dedicated to children and students who stammer/ stutter. This event was organized by the Nairobi Stammering Support group, based at Nairobi...
Dar Es Salaam What's on

Christmas Concert

23 December 2010. This annual Chrstmas concert takes place in the Msasani Lutheran Church and features works by Georg Friderik Handel, Franz Joseph Haydn and Wolfgang Amedeus Mozart. Among the even...
Addis Ababa What's on

Fana-Wogi 2011: Open Call for Emerging Artists

15 February 2011. This initiative entitled Fana-Wogi was launched by Goethe Insitut and the Modern Art Museum / Gebre Kristos Desta Center in 2010 and consists of an open call for emerging Ethiopian c...
Nairobi What's on

Hidden Beauty Exhibition by Stas Trzebinski

15 December 2010-17 January 2011. Que Pasa Bar and Bistrot displays the close-up large sized photographs by Stas Trzebinski. This is the second public exhibition by Trzebinski and focuses on both...
Maputo What's on


18 December 2010. This informal encounter is dedicated to photographers and thos who are passionate about photography. On display are photos taken by both professional photographers as well as by...
Lagos What's on

Crack Ya Ribs by Julius Agwu

19 December 2010. After Abuja and London, this popular comedy show entitled Crack Ya Ribs, held by the popular Nigerian comedian Julius Agwu, lands to Lagos with a great series of new performances....
Addis Ababa What's on

Conference on African Jewellery

16 December 2010. This conference on African jewelry is held in French by the jewellery specialist Jean-Charles Eme. On this occasion Eme displays some jewels from the Horn of Arica and more specifica...
Cairo What's on

Fames: Family Vaudeville at Darb

13 December 2010-31 January 2011. Darb 17 18 celebrates its second anniversary with this exhibition entitled Fames: Family Vaudeville. On display are works by international artists such as Nermine Ans...
Addis Ababa What's on

Audition with Helena Waldmann

22 January 2011. This audition will select professional dancers, performers and theatre practitioners, interested in contemporary dance, dance theatre and physical theatre and who would like to partic...
Cairo What's on

German-Arabic Theatre Piece in Alexandria

12-17 December 2010. This young and quick theatre project is entitled leqaat 6m and was born from the collaboration between six German and Arabic directors, who explore contemporary theatre plays from...
Cairo What's on

Within A Secret Voyage by Sandro Vannini

12 December 2010-12 January 2011. This photographic exhibition, entitled Within a Secret Voyage, is on show at both the American University in Cairo
Nairobi What's on

Three faces of Uganda Exhibition

10 December 2010-18 January 2011. This child-friendly restaurant displays three recent and colourful paintings by contemporary Kenyan artists dedicated to Uganda.
Cairo What's on

A Survival Guide

9-23 December 2010. This collective exhibition displays various art projects by young and emerging artists, who are also students at the American University of Cairo.
Cairo What's on

Nostalgia by Asaad Arabi

9 December 2010-15 January 2011. In this exhibition by the Syrian painter Asaad Arabi presents his latest series of paintings entitled Nostalgia. Arabi portrays the venerated Egyptian songstress Umm K...
Accra What's on

Event Accra Dot Alt

18 December 2010. This cultural evening produced by Redd Kat Pictures showcases the cultural innovation of Ghanaian artists, who represent the future in music, fashion, digital media and performance....
Cairo What's on

Exhibition by Mahmoud Khaled

8 December 2010-8 January 2011. This exhibition entitled When Meanings Face Glossy Surfaces brings together for the first time in Cairo five works produced by the Egyptian artist Mahmoud Khaled in the...
Accra What's on

No Man’s Land by Kukoff

8 December 2010-10 January 2011. This exhibition displays a group of works entitled No Man


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