Sun, 09 March 2025
Africa's news in English
Cairo What's on

Farouk Hosni

New paintings by Egypt's one-time minister of culture. This is the first exhibition that Hosni has had in Egypt since he was ousted from office during the 2011 revolution that toppled President Mub...
Accra What's on

Sabolai Radio Music festival

The Ind!e Fuse festival returns this year under a new name, the Sabolai Radio Music festival. The festival offers live indie music from across west Africa, showcasing hip hop, AfroBeat, traditional...
Accra What's on

Who is wearing my T-shirt

What effect do imported second-hand clothes from different cultures have on identity? Ghanaian artist Zohra Opoku explores the changes that can take place at the individual, cultural and economic leve...
Nairobi What's on

Magdi Adam

Paintings by the Sudanese artist Magdi Adam. He works in acrylics, oils and pastels.
Accra What's on

African crops and cultural festival

The festival, which takes place in a different African country each year, promotes agriculture and its heritage. This year the theme is “eat what they produce and produce what they eat”...
Maputo What's on

Kok Nam. Black on White

A retrospective of the work of one of Mozambique's most important photojournalists. The exhibition coincides with the presentation of a book of his photographs. Kok Nam, who died in 2012, was the s...
Cape Town What's on

Wildlife Photographer of the Year

The opening of the 50th anniversary edition of the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition. There are 17 categories, including the new special award for the best time-lapse video. The 100 p...
Cape Town What's on


This exhibition, which takes its title from a book on colour by filmmaker Derek Jarman written not long before he died, explores colour from various perspectives, using quotations from his text and fr...
Arusha What's on

East African Youth conference

“Think. Speak. Participate” is the theme of the first East African Youth conference. It has been called to find ways of encouraging young people in the EAC to engage actively with the comm...
Cape Town What's on

Lego Art in Cape Town

The Art of the Brick exhibition is made up of 76 large-scale art works constructed entirely of lego pieces. On show is a lego-built tyrannosaurus rex, a Mona Liza and Venus di Milo by the American...
Addis Ababa What's on

Addis Photo Festival

The director of the third Addis photo festival announced at the beginning of this year that the focus on the festival would be on image through a global framework. The idea is to attract new audien...
Dar Es Salaam What's on

Swahili Fashion festival

This annual fashion event is one of the most important in east Africa. As well as promoting local brands, it also supports design opportunities and education for young people in the region. This...
Accra What's on

Israeli Film festival in Ghana

The festival is a follow-up to the first successful edition last year. The opening film on 4 Dec The Dove Flyer is by invitation. This is followed on 5 Dec by A Matter of Size and on 6 Dec by Bonjo...
Cairo What's on

Cairo International Women's Film Festival

Some 60 films directed by women from 40 countries. This year the festival focuses on films from Germany with Andersen, Majub's Journey, Two at the Border, Clinical Romance and Broken Glass Park, all m...
Addis Ababa What's on

City Spirits: Addis Ababa

Opening of the exhibition by French artist Patrick Singh who has just spent a four-month residency in Addis Ababa hosted by the Alliance Ethio-Française and Total Ethiopia. The works, mainly...
Arusha What's on

Arusha hosts East African parliamentary games

The fifth edition of the East African inter-parliamentary games. Teams from the legislative assemblies in Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda will take part. The games usually include only...
Dar Es Salaam What's on

European film festival in Dar es Salaam

18 films will be screened at this year's European film festival. They include works from Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzer...
Addis Ababa What's on

Colours of the Nile film festival

Screenings of Adamt (best short film) and President Dia (best documentary). Adamt (2013), an Ethiopian film is about a young Ethiopian composer and drummer whose life is changed when a deaf spirit...
Nairobi What's on

Nairobi festival of performing arts

Connections is the theme of this interdisciplinary festival of dance, music, poetry, installation, video and photography. There are four performances and two video montages as well as audience disc...
Accra What's on

Accra Ultra marathon

This marathon, which is now in its second year, emphasises the need to keep fit and focuses on common and preventable health problems such as high blood pressure, hypertension and diabetes. It is o...


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