8 March-9 Aug 2006. Over 100 bicycles, tricycles and pedal-powered machines trace the history of the bicycle and its multiple uses over time. Exhibits include a replica of the 1817 hobbyhorse, an original 1869 boneshaker and a 1876 high wheeler, modern solar-powered recumbents and electric-assist bikes and modern replicas of the Dursley-Pedersen bicycle. Visitors can ride or operate many of the exhibits on display. The exhibition also examines the representation of the bicycle in art and features demonstrations, science shows and talks on the bicycle and cycling. Mon-Thurs 09.30-18.00, Fri and Sat 09.30-20.00, Sun 10.00-18.00. Entrance R24 adults, R20 children; admission includes entry to MTN Sciencentre.
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Pedal Power for Africa.
MTN Sciencentre, 407 Canal Walk, Century City. Tel. +27 (0) 21 5298100/79. E-mail: info@mtnsciencentre.org.za