24 March-7 April 2012. The Phoenix Players present this comedy, entitled Why Not Stay for Breakfast?, starring Ray Cooney and Gene Stone and directed by Likarion Wainaina. It tells the story of a 45 year old civil servant, who lives a reclusive life in a quiet environment, which is suddenly shattered by the arrival of a stranger: a pregnant and apparently
homeless teenage girl. The protagonist is challenged by the generational gap as he tries to understand this original, hype teenager.
General Info
Phoenix Players. Professional Centre. Parliament Road, Nairobi, tel. 020 2225506, 0729 913425. Wed-Fri 19.00, Sat 18.00.
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Why Not Stay for Breakfast?
Phoenix Players. Professional Centre. Parliament Road, Nairobi, tel. 020 2225506, 0729 913425. Wed-Fri 19.00, Sat 18.00.