Tue, 04 March 2025
Africa's news in English
Addis Ababa Yellow pages

Abesha Art Studio

Opposite Ras Amba Hotel
Addis Ababa Yellow pages

Asni Gallery

Go past the French embassy and take the first right after the Total petrol station. Asni is at the end of the road.
Addis Ababa Yellow pages

Alem creative arts centre

Cinema and theatre complex owned and run by Ethiopia’s acclaimed long-distance athlete Haile Gebrselassie and his wife Alem.
Addis Ababa Yellow pages

Interest Group

Talks and visits of general interest on topics relevant to Ethiopia.
Addis Ababa Yellow pages

New Theatre Club

Play readings, plays and cabaret evenings.
Addis Ababa Yellow pages

Motley Singers

Community choir dating back about 40 years; there are currently around 40 members from 10-12 countries. All are welcome, although the ability to read music is a plus. Rehearsals are on Mon 19.30-21.30...
Addis Ababa Yellow pages

Addis Stage

English-language theatre group formed in March 2005; it currently has around 70 members from a variety of countries, professions, ages and backgrounds. Membership is open to all for a nominal fee and...
Addis Ababa Yellow pages

Hash House Harriers

The highest Hash in Africa; the group organises Sat afternoon runs, jogs or walks in the countryside around Addis Ababa, starting at 14.00 from the car park of the Hilton Hotel on Menelik II Avenue. W...
Addis Ababa Yellow pages

Horticultural Society

Lectures and garden visits; biannual flower show.
Addis Ababa Yellow pages

Ethiopian Wildlife and Natural History Society (EWNHS)

Non-political, non-profit making environmental membership organization established in Addis Ababa in 1966. The Society is the oldest organization to advocate conservation in Ethiopia. EWNHS is a partn...
Addis Ababa Yellow pages

Goethe Institut

Sidist Kilo (Faculty of Business and Economics)
Addis Ababa Yellow pages

Italian Cultural Institute

Offices opening hours: from Monday to Friday: from 8:00 am  to 2:00 pmfrom 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm Library opening hours:from Monday to Friday: from 8:00 am to 12:00 o'clockMo...


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