Fri, 28 March 2025
Africa's news in English
Dar Es Salaam Yellow pages

Dar Hash House Harriers

“A drinking club with a running problem” that meets every Monday at 17.30 for a five-six kilometre run followed by food and drink. Also organises occasional weekend events out of town.
Addis Ababa Yellow pages

Interest Group

Talks and visits of general interest on topics relevant to Ethiopia.
Maputo Yellow pages

International Club of Maputo

English-language social club offering opportunities for friendship, culture and networking to English-speaking women of all ages and nationalities living in Mozambique. Monthly meetings are held on th...
Addis Ababa Yellow pages

New Theatre Club

Play readings, plays and cabaret evenings.
Maputo Yellow pages

Maputo Young Professionals Network

The Maputo Young Professionals Network (MYPN) is an informal gathering of junior diplomats and young professionals working in international organisations, the government and the business community. Me...
Addis Ababa Yellow pages

Motley Singers

Community choir dating back about 40 years; there are currently around 40 members from 10-12 countries. All are welcome, although the ability to read music is a plus. Rehearsals are on Mon 19.30-21.30...
Nairobi Yellow pages

Muthaiga Country Club

Members’ club offering accommodation, sports and recreational facilities and a restaurant.
Addis Ababa Yellow pages

Addis Stage

English-language theatre group formed in March 2005; it currently has around 70 members from a variety of countries, professions, ages and backgrounds. Membership is open to all for a nominal fee and...
Nairobi Yellow pages

Kenya Museum Society

KMS is a not-for-profit organisation set up in 1970 to support and promote the National Museums of Kenya. Members enjoy free entry to all national and regional museums and can participate in courses,...
Addis Ababa Yellow pages

Hash House Harriers

The highest Hash in Africa; the group organises Sat afternoon runs, jogs or walks in the countryside around Addis Ababa, starting at 14.00 from the car park of the Hilton Hotel on Menelik II Avenue. W...
Nairobi Yellow pages

Kenya Bridge Association

The association holds regular weekly duplicate bridge sessions at the Aga Khan Sports Center, 5th Parklands, every Monday at 19.15 and every Wednesday at 09.45, as well as organising about a dozen spo...
Nairobi Yellow pages

Kenya Horticultural Society

The society aims to create, stimulate and increase interest and knowledge in horticulture, gardens and plants in Kenya through courses, flower shows, plant sales, garden visits, lectures and meetings....
Kilimani, Hurlingham and Ngong Road Clubs and Societies in Kilimani, Hurlingham and Ngong Road
Addis Ababa Yellow pages

Horticultural Society

Lectures and garden visits; biannual flower show.
Nairobi Yellow pages

Kenya Orchid Society

Garden Meetings are held on the second Sunday of each month in members’ gardens.


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