Fri, 28 March 2025
Africa's news in English
Addis Ababa Yellow pages

St Matthew's Anglican Church

English-language services Sun 08.00 Holy Communion; 10.15 Sung Eucharist, Sunday School and Creche; 11.45 Sudanese service. For special services and other regular events see the website.
Dar Es Salaam Yellow pages

Azania Front Lutheran Church

Sunday services in English; 17.30 and 18.30; in Kiswahili 07.00, 08.30, 09.30, 11.30, 16.00 and 17.00.
Downtown district Religious in Downtown district
Arusha Yellow pages

Holy Family Church (Roman Catholic),

Popular especially with ex-pats attending Mass in English.
Njiro Religious in Njiro
Arusha Yellow pages

Arusha Community Church

International, interdenominational member-led church, popular especially with local ex-pats. Services are on Sundays at 10.30 and on other special days of the Church Year. Sunday school and adult educ...
Arusha Yellow pages


There are mosques throughout the city with a large cluster around Mosque Street near the central market in the downtown area of the city.
Dar Es Salaam Yellow pages

St Alban’s Church (Anglican)

Sunday service in English at 08.30; in Kiswahili at 07.00 and 10.00.
Downtown district Religious in Downtown district
Arusha Yellow pages

Greek Orthodox Church

St Constantine’s International School


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